
Snake gourd

Local name: Chichinga
Scientific name: Trichosanthes anguina

Trichosanthes cucumerina is a tropical or subtropical vine, raised for its strikingly long fruit, used as a vegetable, medicine.

Production technology of  Snake Gourd
Season: January-March and September-December are the main growing seasons.

Seed rate: 3.0-4.0 kg/ha Spacing: 2.0 m x 2.0 m.

Sowing: Pits of 60 cm diameter and 30-45 cm depth are taken. Well rotten FYM and fertilizers are mixed with topsoil in the pit and seeds are sown @ 4-5 per pit. After two weeks, remove the unhealthy plants retaining three plants per pit.

Manuring:  Apply FYM @ 20-25 t/ha as basal dose along with half dose of N (35 kg) and full dose of
P2O5(25 kg) and K2O (25 kg/ha). The remaining dose of N (35 kg) is applied in several split doses at fortnightly intervals.

After cultivation: During the initial stages of growth irrigate at an interval of 3-4 days. Irrigate on alternate days during flowering and fruiting periods.Erect pandals for trailing snake gourd. Conduct weeding and raking of the soil at the time of fertilizer application.

Pests: The important pests attacking snake gourd are-  Fruit Flies,  Epilachna beetle, and  RedPumpkinBeetle.

Diseases: The important diseases are-  Downy Mildew and  Mosaic.

Note: Harvesting can be done only after 10 days (at least) of insecticide / fungicide application. The fruits should be washed thoroughly in water before cooking.

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